Are you in a TOXIC overload?

Did you know that every single day our bodies are bombarded with over 2 million toxins?  This is more than twice the amount our body can tolerate!  We can effectively process and expel about 1 million toxins in a 24 hour period.  Any more than that and your body is overloaded. 

Our bodies encounter external or exogenous toxins like: chemicals in the air, water and food supplies... the chemicals we put on or in our body (ex; lotions, perfume, Tylenol and other over the counter meds).  Our bodies also produce its own toxins known as endogenous toxins simply by functioning.  The average person is exposed to more toxins in a day then their body can eliminate.

So imagine if your detoxifying organs are not functioning properly because of pressure on your nervous system?  This is why it is so important to be getting adjusted regularly.  If your body is already in overload because of things you can't avoid it is critical to be sure your body is functioning at its best!!!!  Chiropractic care removes and pressure on your nervous system that may be distorting vital messages the brain and body are trying to communicate.

You can also take other steps to try and help your toxin intake.  Try to eat as clean as possible with organic food and drink a lot of filtered water.  Try to avoid bottled water when possible.  You can also take steps to detox your body with the help of supplements and other regimens designed to help your body detox.  

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