Mental Health Awareness Month

In todays world as you know... Mental Health is at its worst it has ever been.  There are so many struggling and so many suffering.  And as you know even the average person has to deal with so much stress that even the best of us have bad days.  Days that we doubt, days that we feel like we just can't do it anymore.

So the question is how do we help?  How can we as individuals, as a community help those who struggle or even ourselves?  The answer isn't always simple or easy, as is nothing.  However, it is the small things that will eventually add up and the small things are easier to accomplish.

Educating yourself on what is good for your body is the critical key to anything.  Everything we do, everything we eat, etc.. all play a role in how our body heals and how it functions.  So many illnesses are caused by inflammation in the body, so what causes inflammation? Do some research for yourself, the more you educate yourself the better your survival instincts and probability will be.  And when we actually educate ourselves it is a lot easier to live by better habits in life, like diet change, exercise and so forth.

Something specific that I want to discuss is chiropractic care.  There are studies that have proved that after getting adjusted people are more relaxed.  This is because of hormonal changes in oxytocin, cortisol and a few others.  Studies also show that when you get upper cervical adjustments you have improved blood flow to the brain.  This plays a huge role in the restoration and the healing of mental health.

When you get adjusted you maximize the health of your nervous system!  Your nervous system controls absolutely everything about you, including your emotional and psychological health! Removing any nerve interference will allow the proper regulation of the sympathetic nerves which control your fight or flight mechanism of the brain.  

Doesn't it make sense to do something proactive, non invasive, less costly and natural?  The standard care for those with mental health disorders are given medicine which is a worm hole leading to other meds and the masking of the real issue. If you or someone you know suffer with mental health challenges, please get the chiropractic care you deserve!

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