The reality of Germs

Have you ever really thought about the germ theory?  According to the germ theory it "states that microorganisms known as pathogens or "germs" can lead to disease. These small organisms, too small to be seen without magnification, invade humans, other animals, and other living hosts. Their growth and reproduction within their hosts can cause disease."  So many of us think we get sick because we came in contact with a germ.  However, the reality of it, is we get sick if our body the "host" allows the "germ" to grow. 

That is why you may get sick but not your partner.  Or why your friend got sick but not you but you both did or ate the same thing.  We don't catch a cold because we are exposed to the germ, virus or bacteria.  We all encounter "germs" every day, but we all don't get sick.  Your body has to be weakened by other factors, like containing more toxins in your system, having an overload of stress, not sleeping enough or having interference in your nervous system.

Our lifestyle and dietary habits determine, to a great extent, the level at which toxins accumulate in our bodies and our susceptibility to illness.  A person who is inactive, smokes, drinks a lot of soda or alcohol and eats more junk food will be the first to become sick.  On the other hand, a person who does things that help the body detoxify such as getting regular chiropractic adjustments, eating wholesome foods, taking vitamins, exercising regularly and getting adequate amounts of sleep will have a lower level of toxins; therefor be able to fight off "germs" easier without getting sick or only having mild symptoms.  

Do yourself and your family a favor.  Start making changes now to create a healthier version of yourself.  You and only you can determine how healthy you are.  Some simple things to start doing include:

- Getting adjusted by your chiropractor

- Cut out processed foods (easy boxed meals, fast food, etc)

- Get regular amounts of sleep each night. (no screen time an hour before bed, read educational books or mediate instead)

- Exercise!!  Even if you start small, 10/15 min of activity everyday or 30/45 min at least a few times a week.

- Less SUGAR... A LOT LESS!!  (there is sugar in almost everything anymore, its not an accident.  Read your labels!)

- Start each day with affirmations, make a habit in being grateful throughout your day. IT WILL help with stress levels!


P.S. most of us can't make some of these changes right away.. that's OK, don't be discouraged.  Just pick one or two to start with.  Give it some time to become habit (30 days) then make some more changes.  Eventually you will at least be better then you are now!

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