Colic infants

Parenting is difficult enough in itself, let alone adding things like colic.  I was fortunate enough as a mother not to have to worry about colic. But witnessing friends and loved ones go through it broke my heart.  Now that I know about chiropractic I have been able to help many parents find peace.  Unfortunately there were many before that suffered through it because we just didn't know.

Now the question is.. do you know?  Do you or someone you love have to deal with a colic infant?  There is help, naturally with no added medicines for you or your baby.  It is chiropractic care!  Babies are often born with a subluxation (misalignment in the spine) usually caused by the birth process.  And when the vertebrae put pressure on the cervical spine one of the main symptoms is colic.  

It is NOT normal, even though it is common... more common then ever before unfortunately.  When a baby is crying all the time, something is not right but your baby just doesn't know how to tell you.  I have myself witnessed great outcomes of babies getting checked and adjusted leading to less crying, more sleep and a happier baby.  This leads to a happier mom and dad!! Aside from my own experiences, there are many studies done showing that adjustments help colic.  For example, there was a randomized controlled trial titled 'Efficacy of chiropractic manual therapy on infant colic' done by Miller, Newell and Bolton released October of 2012.  In this trial they investigated the effects of 10 days of chiropractic care on crying time in infants with colic.  The babies who received chiropractic care cried significantly less than those who were in the control group.  In fact the crying time was reduced by half.  Babies who received chiropractic care cried an hour and a half less on average after the 10 days of care compared to those who received no care.  So imagine what more then 10 days could do for those babies.

Do not let your baby suffer any longer.  Get them checked by a chiropractor as soon as possible.  Give them a better life and allow your family to be at rest and happy.  Chiropractic doesn't always help everything, and yes sometimes it helps but doesn't alleviate things completely. But the one thing that is for sure... with no interference on the nervous system the body will function at its best and heal at its best.  Allowing it to deal with any issues at hand on a much higher level, so no matter what, getting adjusted is good for you and will only benefit you and your family!

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