Can Nature Help You Feel Better?

I created a blog not to long ago about nature deficiency; I wanted to touch base on that again.  Especially since it is that time of the year that most of us have the opportunity to be able to enjoy the outdoors.  Along side getting your natural vitamin D from sun exposure, you can benefit greatly by just going outside.  It can be anything... such as a simple walk, a hike, playing at the park, watching a sunrise or a sunset.  

Studies are showing that Ecotherapy; which is  psychotherapeutic techniques that treat mental and physical health issues using environmental and/or ecological interventions. It can benefit a range of disorders, including: -Depression -PTSD -Stress -High blood Pressure -Obesity and more.

Ecotherapy is simple and very transformative, we can all make changes to our lives to include the benefits of this technique.  It is another natural tool to have in your toolbox for health.  Take advantage of what our wonderful creator gave us! There was a review involving 35 papers and almost half statistically found positive relationships between nature and mental health, I don't have the reference for that but I am sure if you googled it you could find the review.  The best thing about this is that nature is free and easy to access.  This is something that can't hurt you to try, especially if you or your loved one is struggling with stress or other mental health concerns.

There are many studies that also prove that chiropractic care can help with mental clarity.  Yes I know it is not free like nature but it is a natural approach vs medication.  Doing as much as you can naturally is going to give you the greatest outcome.  Your nervous system is your master system, it controls EVERYTHING about you.  If you have any interference on your nervous system, messages your brain is trying to send to your body will be distorted or blocked.  This will cause damage and health problems.  It is very possible that a simple adjustment will help your body function better and heal better; Including mental clarity, less headaches, less pain,  and more mobility which means more function.  Ultimately this all leads to better health and more HAPPINESS!

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