Is Stress Getting You Down?

There are many possible causes of stress, especially during the holiday season.  They can be physical (heavy lifting, repetitive motion, etc.), emotional (holiday shopping, visiting relatives, etc.), or even chemical (too much caffeine, holiday treats, etc.).  If you are stressed, it's important that you do whatever you can to avoid the negative effects.  Thankfully, there are many ways to help relieve stress.  Below we have provided four easy ways to help you deal with your holiday stress.

1. Chiropractic Adjustments.  The best possible way to keep your body functioning at its optimal levels.  Chiropractic adjustments help to ensure that your nervous system is working properly, passing messages from your brain to your body.  Adjustments also boost your immune system keeping you healthy.

2. Sleep.  The most important natural stress reducer of them all.  Too little sleep leaves us cranky, irritable and on edge. Too much sleep can leave us sluggish and depressed.  Try to find the right balance that allows you to feel well-rested and ready for the day.  Promote better sleep by establishing bedtime rituals that signal to your brain that it's time to fall asleep.  Like avoiding exercise three hours before bed, diffuse lavender, read or take a warm bath.

3. Exercise.  Whether it's yoga, Tai Chi or running, exercise works much in the same way as meditation because it gives you the time to be alone with your thoughts (or an opportunity to let them go).  However, exercise also has the added benefit of releasing endorphins into the brain, which improves your mood.  It also prevents obesity and other health problems, giving you less to be stressed about.

4. Avoid too much Sugar.  Sugar suppresses your immune system which results in your body getting sick easier.  It also robs you of energy as well as robs your bones of minerals.

While some stress is normal, constant stress can really wear you down mentally, physically and emotionally.  That is why we encourage you to find some levity in your life every day.  Levity is defined as lightness of mind, character, or behavior. Remember laughter is one of our bodies' natural medicines.  When you are smiling and laughing you feel better and that is always a good thing.  So make this small commitment, try to let yourself smile and laugh more.... today!

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