Why giving is GOOD for you

Did you know that GIVING has been linked to the release of Oxytocin?  Oxytocin is a hormone that induces feelings of warmth, connection to others and euphoria.  Studies have actually found that a dose of Oxytocin can cause people to feel more empathy towards others with "symptoms" lasting up to two hours.  They say that the people who may be experiencing an "oxytocin high" often jumpstart a cycle of generous behavior from one person to another.. a ripple effect as they say.

A study was performed by James Fowler and Nicholas Christakis showing that when one person behaves generously, it inspires others to be generous toward other people.  The researchers found that altruism could spread by three degrees - from person to person to person to person.  "As a result each person in a network can influence dozens or even hundreds of people, some of whom he or she does not know and has not met."

Another study was done in 2006 by Jorge Moll and his colleagues showing that when people gave to charities it activated regions of the brain associated with social connection, trust and pleasure.  This creates a "warm glow" effect, they say that altruistic behavior releases endorphins in the brain giving you that positive feeling known as the "helper high".

Ultimately speaking... GIVING IS GOOD FOR YOU, and good for all of us!  In today's world with what we are all going through, during these difficult times; let us GIVE to one another!  It's important to remember that getting your adjustments this holiday season will help keep your stress levels down and allow things like the oxytocin and endorphins to travel through your body as it is supposed to, with no interference, when triggered by things like giving.


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