The Astonishing Dr. You part 3

Hello and Happy Monday. Here is the third and final part of the article I have been sharing in my last couple blogs. Again I split it to make it an easier read, and more likely that you have the time to read it. So often we see something and if it is too long we just don't read it. I hope you have learned simplistic valuable information about your health!

'The Astonishing Dr. You' - part 3

"Later in life, many subluxation-producing spinal insults result from the traumas, micro-traumas and repetitive motions of everyday living.  Chemicals like drugs, alcohol, pollution, tobacco, poor nutrition, preservatives and other toxins can alter the nervous system and the muscles that support the spine.  

Chiropractic is the only discipline that locates and helps reduce nerve compromise from subluxations.  Today's chiropractor completes years of undergraduate studies and a demanding chiropractic college curriculum.  After passing rigorous national board examinations, they are eligible for licensing.  Chiropractors are skilled masters of adjusting techniques that help restore nervous system control of the body.  They use spinal 'adjustments' to reduce subluxations and help restore vital nervous system communications.  Adjustments are safe and effective; chiropractic is safer than back surgery, safer than taking aspirin, safer than flying on a commercial airline and even safer than driving your car.  Chiropractic Works!! Remember, it's you... you do all the healing.  You're the doctor; but one this is certain, with a better working nervous system just about anything is possible.  Thanks to Dr. You! "

article provided by - 'Patient Media, Inc'

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