The Astonishing Dr. You

I found this and I had to share it with you all. So simple and amazingly put, and to share such great information is a pleasure and I can only hope the little ripple turns into a big one. Never forget that with knowledge comes responsibility, we must share to help as many other people as possible.  I have split this information into parts to avoid too lengthy of a blog,  :-) Enjoy.

'The Astonishing Dr. You' - Part 1

"There is an intelligence that keeps everything in perfect balance.  What looks random, has order. What appears Chaotic, has organization.  What seems unnecessary has purpose. Each effect has cause.  Every living thing has a form of this special intelligence.  It allows movement. It directs growth.  It permits adaptation.  It is inside every living thing from the tallest tree to the tiniest cell.  It was there when you became you.  When two cells became four, four became eight, eight became sixteen, and so on.  It was there just days later when your brain and nervous system organized to convey this special intelligence to every part of your body.  And it is on the job now, taking care of every detail to keep you alive.  If you lose your health, you need a good doctor.  And the best doctor is the world is ready 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  Meet...  Dr. YOU!  Dr. You supplies the precise amount of insulin, the perfect amount of stomach acid, the correct dosage of adrenaline.  Dr. You.. heals, mends, protects and regulates.  Dr. You eliminates back pain, cures headaches and relaxes tight muscles.  Dr. You does all of this and more... except when Dr. You can't.  If you're not enjoying true health, something is interfering with Dr. You!  

But what is Health?  Many people think that health is how you feel.  But a lack of symptoms doesn't mean you're healthy.  If you look good and feel great but have undetected cancer.. you're sick!  If you unknowingly eat spoiled food and Dr. You intelligently vomits to expel it, you're well.  You may not feel very good but you're having a healthy response.  The same can be true of fevers, sneezing and coughing.  These are signs that Dr. You is on the job.  How you feel is a poor judge of your health!

With traditional health care it is about suppressing symptoms.  Headache? Drug it. Sore Throat? Numb it. Tight Muscle? Muscle Spasm? Chemically relax it. High Blood Pressure? Artificially Lower It. Malfunctioning Gall Bladder? Surgically Remove It.  These drastic measures blindly treat symptoms and ignore the underlying cause. Consult Dorland's Medical Dictionary and 'health' is defined as "optimum mental, physical and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmities."  True health is how well your body works, mentally, physically and socially.  If something isn't working right, you're sick.  What controls how your body works? It is the purpose of your brain and nervous system to control the function of every cell, tissue, organ and system of your body.  A properly working nervous system is the key to good health.  Not your blood (controlled by your nervous system), Not your blood pressure (controlled by your nervous system) and not your pulse (controlled by your nervous system.)  These measurements are interesting but they are not a measure of true health.

When your heart beats, it receives commands from your nervous system.  When your immune system shields you from infection, it receives commands from your nervous system.  Your nervous system controls the release of hormones, neuropeptides and enzymes.  Dr. You relies on your nervous system to make sure everything works right."

-article provided by Patient Media, inc.

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